How our gender reassignment discrimination specialists can help

gender reassignment discrimination frequently asked questions

Direct discrimination: if your employer treats you worse than they treat or would treat other employees because you are going through gender reassignment. For example, if you are passed over for a promotion because of your gender reassignment. Indirect discrimination: an example of this would be if your workplace has a policy that puts you at a disadvantage because of your gender reassignment. For example, if you have to wear certain uniform to carry out your role and it differs between genders. Victimisation: you might experience victimisation if, for example, you’ve made a complaint or raised a grievance in the workplace about fellow colleagues for their discriminatory behaviour towards you because of your gender reassignment. Harassment: if some colleagues have made discriminatory comments about your gender reassignment, and these comments made you feel degraded, humiliated and upset, you may have experienced harassment.
Any employee who wishes to bring a claim for gender reassignment discrimination at work needs to submit details of their claim to the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS), so that they can establish whether the employer will agree to ‘early conciliation’. Depending on your circumstances, we may be able to help you with this.
According to the Equality Act 2010, it is unlawful for you to be discriminated against for one or more of the nine protected characteristics:
  • Age;
  • Disability;
  • Gender reassignment;
  • Marriage or civil partnership;
  • Pregnancy and maternity;
  • Race;
  • Religion or belief;
  • Sex;
  • Sexual orientation.
It’s illegal for any fellow employees, or your employer, to make discriminatory comments or display discriminatory behaviour towards you based on your gender reassignment. It’s also a criminal offence if your employer treats you less favourably for this reason, or if they fail to address other employees displaying the same discriminatory behaviour towards you.
Gender Reassignment Discrimination legal services

Helping people who are mistreated at work for going through gender reassignment

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