Abuse Claims

For victims of abuse, it can be difficult to face the reality of what has happened and take action, especially if the abuse was inflicted by someone they knew and trusted.
Abuse Claims

How we can help

abuse claims frequently asked questions

Yes, we represent victims from several abuse compensation schemes including the Jesus Army, Yehudi Menuhin School, and St James & St Vedast. You can find out more about our compensation schemes here.
Our team works with victims of child abuse who wish to come forward and report their experiences. We understand how difficult it can be to speak up about any form of abuse, and we take a sensitive approach to any claim we handle.
Not necessarily, no. We do our best to make sure court is kept off the table, as we know how distressing it can be to talk about a situation in front of others, or even see an abuser in the same room. We will be completely transparent with you throughout your claim as to whether you will need to attend court.
While the general limitation period for bringing a child abuse claim is up until a victim’s 21st birthday, there are exceptional circumstances where we may be able to help once this period has passed. So no matter how long ago the abuse took place, our team can help. For other types of abuse, such as abuse in sports, elder abuse or sexual abuse, the limitation period may not apply. The court may decide to waive the limitation rule depending on your case.

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Get in touch with our no win, no fee abuse claims solicitors today

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