Image of John Tunnard

John Tunnard

Legal Director
Inheritance Disputes

John advises individuals and charities in wills, trusts and inheritance disputes.

John has particular expertise in dealing with cases in the High Court, County Court and Court of Protection involving:

– the validity and interpretation of wills and trusts;
– Inheritance Act claims, in which he has acted for surviving spouses, cohabiting partners, children and persons maintained by a deceased person, but who have subsequently been left little, or nothing, under an estate.
-actions for and against Executors and Trustees in relation to the management of trusts and estates.
– determination of ownership under a trust of land and property
– disputes over Lasting Powers of Attorney, Deputyships, Statutory Wills and the setting aside of lifetime gifts.

John draws upon his background as a non-contentious private client solicitor when dealing, for example, with the construction and effect of Wills and Trusts, and also when structuring tax-efficient settlements on behalf of clients.

Whilst firm in his approach, John is an advocate for the use of Alternative Dispute Resolution, to seek a resolution of disputes in a sensible and proportionate manner.

John is a full member of the Association of Contentious Trust and Probate Specialists (ACTAPS) and an active member of Contentious Trust Association (CONTRA), ThoughtLeaders 4 Private Client and STEP: Contentious Trusts and Estates Global Special Interest Group

John acted for a UK-based beneficiary in successfully proving entitlement to an Austrian estate. As ordered by the Austrian courts, John provided written opinion on matters of private domestic and international succession laws.

John acted for a spouse in her inheritance claim against her husband’s estate worth approximately £9 million. The matter concerned issues arising out of numerous family company interests (both on shore and off shore) and relating to the management of a family trust. The client obtained a favourable settlement without proceeding to trial.

John continues to assist Head of Department, Andrew Wilkinson, in a high-profile case concerning a removal application of Trustees of numerous historic family trusts with a value of approximately £85 million.

Away from the desk

Favourite place

New Orleans

Favourite book

Last Word on Mr S- George Jacobs


John studied music as an undergraduate at Newcastle University before qualifying into Law. He continues to be an active part of the music scene as a session jazz piano player and continues to lead a Big Band, Frankly Jazz ( with which he tours both nationally and internationally. When not at the keyboard (either at work or outside of work!) John likes to spend time with his family exploring all that South West has to offer.

Favourite food


What clients say about John Tunnard

I enjoy seeking out practical solutions for clients within complex areas of law.

I also have the pleasure of working alongside a personable Team comprising highly-regarded specialists with the experience to guide and support clients through, what is often, a difficult time.