Image of Rosemary Baker

Rosemary Baker

Knowledge Systems Engineer
Lime Solicitors
Personal Injury

Rosemary makes sure the needs of the entire team are met to ensure a smooth running team at all times.

Rosemary has worked in Personal Injury, IT, IT & Development Training, HR and Business Administration for Law for over 23 years.

A gentleman about to retire injured in a cycling accident on his way home from work. The injuries rendered him tetraplegic. Substantial house adaptations were made and respite care was arranged for his family. Settled for just shy of £2m.

A young man at a clay pigeon shoot. Another member of the group shot the gun too low and in the direction of our client. Our client lost the sight in one eye impacting on his job as a farm labourer. He was pleased with the settlement achieved especially because we got him the support he needed to allow him to return to work.

Away from the desk

Favourite place

North Yorkshire

Favourite book

Anecdotal books by Gervase Phinn


Dressmaking, Scout Leader, Camping and Caravanning, Family time (including our dog)

Favourite food
